26-28 June 2025, University of Oradea, Romania

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to the 11th edition of the BASIQ International Conference on
“New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption” – BASIQ 2025, which will be
hosted by the University of Oradea – Faculty of Economic Sciences in Romania, between
June 26th and June 28th, 2025.
The BASIQ International Conference aims to explore the impact of the most recent
changes in business and consumer behavior on the economy and society.
Contributors should underline the importance of their research findings from a broader
international and global perspective, especially if their work focuses on specific
geographies or cultures. The organizers of the conference invite submissions on the
following major topics:
- Socio-demographic trends; imagining and anticipating the societal futures
- Strengthening modern knowledge: competency-based education and new ways of
capacity building - Digital transformation and emerging new technologies challenges
- Sustainable value creation for businesses and consumers through innovation, new
business models and new forms of market interaction - New values, attitudes and consumer behaviors; new approaches to creating a
culture of quality - Emerging risks and evolving consumer rights
Interdisciplinary and cross section contributions are also welcomed.
Important deadlines:
10 April 2025 – Full paper submission
10 May 2025 – Notification of paper acceptance to authors
25 May 2025 – Conference fee payment
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings volume (with
ISSN), which will be submitted for evaluation and potential inclusion to:
- Clarivate Analytics, the Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (Web of
Science) - Scopus, DOAJ, and RePEc
The University of Oradea is a state higher education institution accredited with a high
degree of confidence, a partner in EU GREEN, an alliance of European universities, having
international relations with over 350 institutions from 40 countries. Within it, the Faculty of
Economic Sciences offers 8 bachelor’s degree programs, 12 master’s degree programs,
and 3 doctoral programs, all accredited, with over 1,500 students and 59 faculty
members. It develops partnerships with the business environment, projects, and
sustained scientific research.
This year’s edition is co-organized by BASIQ Association and University of Oradea –
Faculty of Economic Sciences. The conference is supported by the following partners:
Faculty of Business and Tourism, University of Debrecen – Faculty of Economics and
Business and Amfiteatru Economic Journal.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact
us at basiqconference@gmail.com .
Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who might be interested!
Best regards,
The Conference Committee