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International business administration

Study program: Master in International Business Administration (M-IBA)

Domain: Economic Sciences

Field of study: Economy and International Business

Type: Professional

Qualification Title: International Business Administration

Short description: International means no restrictions or boundaries. MIBA is a full-time master program which grants students sound knowledge and professional training in international business. It aims at the training of specialists able to administer international businesses of the enterprises and meet both the expansion needs of multinational companies present in a country, and the requirements of the national and multinational companies concerned with the growth of their business internationally. Our graduates will be able to represent a country interest in the regional and multilateral negotiations, possessing the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to gain competitive advantages on both internal and international markets within the organizations in which they work.

Acquired skills: acknowledging, understanding, and using theories, instruments and methods in the international business environment, the ability to perform expertise and implement strategies specific to this field.

Benefits: our students benefit from access to top training resources, use of Moodle online training platform, access to specific laboratories, master students’ conferences, extracurricular courses and workshops.

Students at M-IBA program will study:  Business Economics, International Economics, Management of Sustainable Development, Foreign languages, Management of International Economic Transactions, Economics of European Integration, External Trade and Customs Union in EU, Financial Management, Negotiation and Contracting in International Commerce, International Strategies of the Company.

Career opportunities: The MIBA graduate can be among others: a counsellor in European affairs, a CEO of a multinational company, an import export department manager, a diplomat or economic adviser in an embassy.